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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Friday, March 25, 2011

#84/365--It Left a Mark...Part 2

Once upon a time, I had a toilet that kept on running and running....

...What?  You've heard that story before?  Oh.
But have you heard this one?
Once upon a time, I had a toilet that kept running and running...and running and running...until...

Yes.  It overflowed.  What's that?  How'd it happen?  Well, you remember the first story?  I never got it fixed.  This morning, it was irritating me.  Because it was really loud.  So, I decided if I wiggled the little floaty bobber thingy then maybe it would settle down a little.  Quite the opposite.  It made a click/pop noise and...whoosh...water began flowing everywhere.  I won't go into the details of my morning.  Suffice to say my dear friend, Allie's husband, Denny, was once a plumber and he came to turn my water off and fix the toilet.  But the following pics...are the result of a toilet gone wild...



Life is nothing but an adventure, huh?
  This is the "drying out" phase.  Stay tuned for the "rebuild phase."


  1. NO!!!! What a day! Sorry to hear about this, hope the toilet was empty when you jiggled it. What?! Everyone was thinking it!

  2. you sound like in good spirits despite your day of trauma... I love that you are taking to heart - This too shall pass!! :) Shine on my friend. Glad to be there for you sister.

    Dear friends?? thanks for still loving us - I wish we would have remembered to fix it when you got home from Spring Break.

  3. I'm so sorry Janelle! Hope everything gets rebuilt quickly and inexpensively. What a way to start the day!
