About Me

My photo
This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

#90/365--Just Grace

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Some people know me all too well. My room mom, who has been super good to me this year, got this for me because her son knew I'd like it...!!

Yes, even the kiddos in my class know that I LoVe me some Rangers baseball!

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Monday, March 28, 2011


...meal. Our first in 3 days. We are home. For now. At least until the "rebuild phase." And we are glad. Blessed. Thankful.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

#86/365--Hotel Homework

After a long weekend of being out of our house and games all over the metroplex, we are wrapping up the weekend, back in a hotel, finishing up homework. We're exhausted. I tried to make the best of it but sometimes life just overwhelms you and you don't feel like being so happy go lucky about it all. But as long as I've got my kids, I've got my peace.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

#85/365--High Numbers

My gas bill for the day ...

My thermostat with all the "drying out" going on at my house this weekend (read: big number is actual temp, small number is what it's set at; restoration dude told me to turn heat on)

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Friday, March 25, 2011

#84/365--It Left a Mark...Part 2

Once upon a time, I had a toilet that kept on running and running....

...What?  You've heard that story before?  Oh.
But have you heard this one?
Once upon a time, I had a toilet that kept running and running...and running and running...until...

Yes.  It overflowed.  What's that?  How'd it happen?  Well, you remember the first story?  I never got it fixed.  This morning, it was irritating me.  Because it was really loud.  So, I decided if I wiggled the little floaty bobber thingy then maybe it would settle down a little.  Quite the opposite.  It made a click/pop noise and...whoosh...water began flowing everywhere.  I won't go into the details of my morning.  Suffice to say my dear friend, Allie's husband, Denny, was once a plumber and he came to turn my water off and fix the toilet.  But the following pics...are the result of a toilet gone wild...



Life is nothing but an adventure, huh?
  This is the "drying out" phase.  Stay tuned for the "rebuild phase."

Monday, March 21, 2011

#80/365--In Favor Of...

Duct tape.  No, really, officer, she did it to herself!!  The story goes that I opened my own big mouth, telling Lauren how I was singing opera with the kids in my class.  She wanted me to show her.  I refused.  Look, really, she already has enough ammo against me, why give her more?  And yet, I am the one who started it.  So, since I refused to show-off my opera voice, she refused to speak to me for the rest of the night, placing duct tape on her mouth.  I wanted to take an immediate picture, but she said...

...I mean, she didn't "say" this...she wrote it. 
Because, honestly, who can talk with duct tape on their mouth?
Oh...you might need a translation since this is teenish, or teenese.  It says, "Not yet!  Let me (lemme) fix my (mah) hair (hurr)."  After she fixed her "hurr," I snapped this one...
Does she realize that she's only hurting herself?  Seriously. That's gonna hurt when she takes it off, no?  I can use a little punishment, I suppose, if it comes in the form of a little silence for awhile.  But not too long.  I love "mah" kid and her "hurr".  And I love hearing her chatter and flitter about in her happy-go-lucky way.  She really does have a cute sense of humor, and I love it.  Now, all in favor of a little duct tape once in awhile...?
Hey...at least HE still loves me...

You see?  Treat me with a little love and I'll sing opera for you any ole day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

#79/365--Family Game Night

Mancala...Lauren's choice...
(We took turns playing each other)

YES!!  Phase 10--My favorite game! I finally got them to play it with me (they hate it--well, I mean they say they hate it but when we play they sure seem to have a great time)!

A sample of the craziness that was my kids tonight...

And scrabble...Mikey's choice...

Why, yes. Yes "pawer" is a word.  Look it up.  It's not just how Texans say "power."
(That's Lauren's joke, I can't take credit.)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

#78/365--It is Well

My flowerbed began like this...

...and it stayed that way for about 4 years (minus the snow, it's the only pic I could find).  Then, my mom ripped the shrubs out.  That's because they were big and in the way and full of wasp nests.  So for about 6 months, the little square was empty, save the cute
"frog/Welcome" stone that I placed in the middle.
Time went by.  And the weeds began to grow.
I thought about waxing metaphorical--how "weeds" can grow in your heart...things like bitterness, anger, resentment, jealousy, gossip, pride...about how I've felt a little "weedy" lately.  I'll save you the drama.  It was very therapeutic today to get out there and dig, whack, chop, cut, and pull all those weeds.  I even named a few of them (see the above list). 
When I got to the planting process, I began to name the plants and flowers, as well...things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control (See Gal. 5:22)
...and finally...
I'm pretty happy with the final product.  I don't normally...
...wait...let me rephrase...
I have NEVER gardened before in my life.  I've grown seeds in plastic bags with kindergarteners, and I've pulled weeds before...but I've never gardened.  It was surprisingly relaxing to me.  AND...I didn't come across any bugs or spiders, thanks to another Gardener I know.  He understood that I needed a little time with Him sorting out my life--I think He gets that sometimes it's easier to do "metaphorically."

Friday, March 18, 2011

#77/365--Pizza and Potter

Much to my surprise, I have become a huge fan of Harry Potter. I'm on book 4, but only movie 2.

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#76/365--Green Ale

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#74/365--Tell the DJ to Fix it in the Mix

I could not have made it through this...

If not for my personal DJ...
Mixmaster Lollipop Ice

Monday, March 14, 2011


The maniacal Dr. Weeblewobble is plotting with his evil assistant, Carrot Lover, the demise of the giant baby, using poisoned carrots.

The giant baby outsmarted these villains, once again, by using his super powered saliva!

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Sunday, March 13, 2011


My sweet friend, Andrea, now a BeautiControl consultant, came to visit me at my mom's tonight. I haven't seen her in about a year or so, and it was very good to catch up. Dre' and I met in college, became roommates and realized we were kindred spirits. We were besties almost immediately. No matter how much time we spend apart, once we get together again it's as if no time has passed. Tonight, she gave us her spa treatment. It's always fun to be pampered. :) love me some Andrea time!!

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Saturday, March 12, 2011


Spring Break with my fabulous family...

Cousins making collages

Mom and Erik making lunch

Mikey and Felicity playing outside

Joshua's silly face

Caleb eating lunch

Off they go, into the wild...

Movie night, just us girls, while the kids are out camping.

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