About Me

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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


...is how I feel.  I tried the whole "up-and-at-'em" yesterday when I had to take Lauren to the orthodontist.  But I didn't have it in me and I ended up laying down and napping.  I tried again today by getting up, moving around, and going to church, then out to lunch with my peeps.  My body was having nothing of it.  By the time I got to Target to pick up some things for the week, I was about to drop.  I'm not real certain about how this week will pan out.  Here's what it looks like from my angle...currently...

Tabula Rasa.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

#29/365--When They are Home

I got the best night's sleep last night.

After awhile, when you are divorced, you get used to sharing your kids and the limited time you have with them.  What I mean to say is...you never like it.  But you adjust.  It becomes your normal.  Their normal.  Two houses.  Two families.  Two different bedrooms.  Two places to lose your stuff.

This week, since I was sick, Lauren and Mikey's dad and myself decided it was probably in their best interest for them to stay over there all week instead of come into contact with my germs and risk getting the horrible, wretched, evil, life debilitating, life sucking, life draining flu.

If you are reading this, then you probably also keep up with my facebook, and know that it was a rough week for me.  In addition to all the flu issues, I had trouble sleeping.  This is bad news because you know that when you are sick "they" tell you that "rest" is what is best for you.  Ha.  Where was this rest?  I couldn't find it anywhere.   Wednesday night was the worst.  I was awake all night.  I sympathize with you insomniacs.  Sleepless nights are terrible.  I tossed.  I turned.  I got up and went down to the couch.  I watched t.v.  I dozed during episodes of "The Wonder Years," and "Doogie Howser," and "Family Ties."
Thursday didn't lend itself to much improvement.  I felt much better after taking different prescribed medicines and resting in the afternoon.  But Thursday night, more of the same.  Tossing, turning, punching my pillows, praying.  I also found out from Franco (my ex) that Lauren had gotten a stomach virus.  This added to the thoughts that were going through my head (If you're a mom, you know how moms like to hover over their sick children--even if they are sick themselves). 

Finally, Friday afternoon, my kids came home.  We spent the evening on the couch watching movies and then went to bed early. 
And.  I.  Slept.  Like.  A.  Baby. 
Completely rested, undisturbed, sleep.
I trust that my kids are well-taken care of when they are at their dad's.
But it gives me such peace and comfort when they are here, under my roof.

All is right in my world.  Mostly.

#28/365--More Temperature

Sunday, January 23, 2011

#23/365--Table for Two

...well, I mean, three, but someone had to take the picture...


When I woke up this morning and rolled over, this was what I saw...
...just who does she think she is....??

Thursday, January 20, 2011


...the name of the tea I had at Starbucks...
I'm drinking dandelions??!!
How is that calming?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I had one of my quatrillion moles removed today.  I've wanted to get it taken off for many years.  And now...it's G.O.N.E.
You know that you know which one I'm talking about...

Monday, January 17, 2011

#17/365--One Year

If you've followed my blog, and my life, for the past year, you know that I've been trying to lead a healthier lifestyle.  I love food.  I love chocolate.  I love mochas. 
I love margaritas, tacos, chips, salsa. 
I love food.

Because I decided I'm not going to quit eating, I decided that I needed to exercise and monitor my caloric intake.  This is a hard task during the school year.  Time is limited and priorities are as such that exercise is the first to be elminiated.  Also, it is difficult to always remember to enter my food for the day to be sure I am within my calorie range.  I will say that over the summer, despite vacations, I pressed on.  And I pressed hard.  I exercised a lot and I was strict about my eating. 

Needless to say, you may have noticed that it's paid off.  I've lost a total of 20 complete pounds (and I could say 25 but that last five will not stay gone...so...that's my next goal).  I've lost about 2 inches in my waist, 4 inches in my hips, 2 inches in my thigh, about an inch in my upper arm, and 3 inches in my chest.  That's a total of 12 inches over my entire body.  Almost 2 sizes in jeans/pants.  From an XL in shirts to an L.

If you know me at all, you know that I used to call my treadmill, the "dreadmill."  You know I was once the biggest couch potato of all.  I just did not have an ounce of energy.  I was tired (actually, I'm still tired.  That could be attributed to the fact that I will be 40 this year, or that I teach five-year-olds all day and then come home to a teenager and a pre-teen...or all of the above?).

Now, I enjoy working out.  I especially love being tortured by Jillian from "The Biggest Loser."  I still love food, but I think I'm better able to monitor the amount that I eat,
I can limit my portion size.
In short, a lot has changed.

One year ago, I posted a picture of myself as I began my workout journey.  I even titled the entry, "Journey."  That is exactly what it has been, and what it will continue to be.  I didn't do this as a short term answer.  I wanted long term health effects.  Thus, I continue this adventure.  It is a slow journey--rather, a pilgrimage, if you will...as you can tell by the pictures below--the evidence isn't extreme...merely, slight. But it is a journey I feel I must continue to pursue.  Here's to good health in 2011!

January 18, 2010

January 17. 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011


As in, ground beef...or, I mean, ground turkey.
It's what's for dinner.
Well, it's "in" what's for dinner.
I'm making lasagna.
Layers and layers of noodly goodness.
Comfort food for my soul.
And my soul needs that comfort today.
Cold, dreary, grayness
red, warm, cheesiness.

#15/365--Lazy Saturday

This is how we spent our Saturday.

Crosswords and working out...



...and a new haircut

Followed by an evening playing Kinect and eating pizza at Ms. Rowlands' house...

It was a good day to stay inside.
Good Times.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Here's how our Friday evening began...

...but soon we were off...

...to dinner...
(I'm out of groceries)
...and dessert...

...and some family silliness...

All for one and one for all...

...home again
home again
jiggity jaw.