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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Monday, March 21, 2011

#80/365--In Favor Of...

Duct tape.  No, really, officer, she did it to herself!!  The story goes that I opened my own big mouth, telling Lauren how I was singing opera with the kids in my class.  She wanted me to show her.  I refused.  Look, really, she already has enough ammo against me, why give her more?  And yet, I am the one who started it.  So, since I refused to show-off my opera voice, she refused to speak to me for the rest of the night, placing duct tape on her mouth.  I wanted to take an immediate picture, but she said...

...I mean, she didn't "say" this...she wrote it. 
Because, honestly, who can talk with duct tape on their mouth?
Oh...you might need a translation since this is teenish, or teenese.  It says, "Not yet!  Let me (lemme) fix my (mah) hair (hurr)."  After she fixed her "hurr," I snapped this one...
Does she realize that she's only hurting herself?  Seriously. That's gonna hurt when she takes it off, no?  I can use a little punishment, I suppose, if it comes in the form of a little silence for awhile.  But not too long.  I love "mah" kid and her "hurr".  And I love hearing her chatter and flitter about in her happy-go-lucky way.  She really does have a cute sense of humor, and I love it.  Now, all in favor of a little duct tape once in awhile...?
Hey...at least HE still loves me...

You see?  Treat me with a little love and I'll sing opera for you any ole day!


  1. OUCH! I bet she was regretting her silence...

  2. All in favor of duct tape, say aye! Aye!!! Absolutely! Glad she could fix her "hurr" so you could get a pic of the duct tape. What a funny girl!!

  3. I would love to hear you sing opera please.
