She was having NONE of it. Not a single bit. But that's ok. I sorta took over the curling iron...
This is actually the after-effect. You see, I, too, was going to wear my hair up--totally 80's this:
...but then...I felt like a total wannabe. Wait. What? Me? A Wannabe? Dude. I was there. I lived the eighties!! Bahaha!
The concert was so very much fun! Made me want to go sing more karaoke. Here's some video of the show. The song choices were excellent :)
Lauren is located right in the middle of this, very poor video, by the mike.
Some S-S-S-S-A-A-A-A-F-F-F-F-E-E-E-E-T-T-T-T-Y-Y-Y-Y-safesafesafety dancedancedance for ya?
Maybe a little hope, with Don't Stop Believin'?
I love it! Great job mama! Lauren, just own it! You look great!