About Me

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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Sunday, May 8, 2011


Let's be honest.  I expected too much.  I mean really.  I always wake up before my kids so that really puts a damper on the whole breakfast in bed thing.  They can't drive, and don't have access to their money without my knowing about it...so the options for presents and cards are obviously homemade (which are the best, by the way).  They can't see movies that I want to see (yes, they are still too young).  

I did get waffles and a second cup of coffee, in bed, around 9, from Mikey (I got up at 6:30); Lauren made dinner. 

But sometimes, it really is just too much to ask for a brother and a sister to get along with each other, which was really the ONLY thing I truly wanted.  First, there was disagreement about WHO was making me breakfast.  Then there was arguing about WHAT was being made.  There was grumbling about going to church.  There was back and forth about which movie to see.   Around dinner time, we were indecisive about where we were going--no one was really hungry, someone wanted Mexican, someone else wanted Asian food...then we found out someone left the milk out at breakfast so there was more growling about me having to go to the grocery store.  No...today wasn't my favorite Mother's day. 

I admit I was a little envious of all you moms out there whose kiddos "cleaned the whole house," or "made picture collages," or "sang Mother's day songs," but I'm gonna be real with you for a moment.  Mothers shouldn't have just a "day" where they are honored.  Mothers deserve honor EVERY day.  So.  Today can be flushed down the toilet for me.  But, there's always tomorrow.  In fact, my kids are the reason I get to celebrate Mother's day in the first place, and so I am entirely thankful for them and the blessing that they are to me each and every other day of the year.  They are pretty wonderful...usually.

Love them.
Happy Mother's Day, Me.
They are the gifts that I received 14 and 11 years ago...
...the gifts that keep on giving...
Lessons learned.  Character built.
Forgiveness given. Love abounding.
Fun had.  Tears shed.
Roots grown.  Memories made.
Joy overflowing. Family built.