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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

#209.5/365--Surprise 40 Things

I meet with my Life Group, or small group, or Bible study group...women's group--my girls--every Tuesday.  We've been doing life together for just about 5.5 years.  We've been thru just about everything with each other.  We've supported each other in loss and grief and rejection.  We've encouraged each other in relationships, marriages, parenting, life.  We've laughed together.  We've cried together.  We've studied together.  We've prayed together.  We've held each other's hands. 

Movies.  Dinners.  Shopping.  Pedicures.  And...birthdays. 

We have a thing where we celebrate birthdays.  And tonight, my sweet girls surprised me.  Oh, don't get me wrong...we always celebrate...so I knew we'd do something...but what they did for me is beyond...over the top...overwhelming.  My girls took my theme of 40 things to a new level.  They took everything they know about me...everything I love...everything I am passionate about...and gave me the gift of 40 things.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

Proverbs 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

We are made for relationship with each other.  We are not made to do life alone.  These women are so very precious to me.  I am blessed.  May you find yourself just as blessed to be surrounded by companions on this journey through life.  Much love.

1 comment:

  1. You are very precious to us...
    We are blessed by your love...
    The blessing of our girls enriches my life and brings me closer to HIM everyday.
    hugs & mucho love,
