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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

#187/365--Four Courses, or 3 and 14 on My List of 40 Things

I gave a little dinner party for my small group tonight--it was selfish of me, since I needed to complete some items on my list. 
((don't ya like my china?))

For the "appetizer course," I tried caviar for the first time ever.  Who knew it could be so expensive?  ((Not me...)) I got the cheap kind (Salmon roe)...

I made Caviar Canapes and served them with champagne.  Minus the actual caviar the cracker and spread part was yummy...let's just say it's not my favorite appetizer...

For the "salad course," I made a light pasta salad...
(yeah, so the picture doesn't do it justice)

For the "main course," I served pulled pork bbq and cheesy scalloped potatoes...

...and for the "dessert course," I served chocolate mousse with raspberries...

All in all, I think it was a success.  I'm not well-honed in all the rules and procedures of etiquette, as you can tell from my fine china.  But, I think the food tasted good at least...and that's what's important, right?  Thanks to my sweet friends for being my guinea pigs and working thru my list of 40 things with me!  Much love!


  1. How hysterical. I was sitting here squinting trying to see if in fact those were paper plates when I looked under the picture and saw your comment. LOL Same with the pasta salad. ;) Can't go too wrong with a pasta salad though!! Yum!
    Congratulations... great job...I want some mousse!

  2. We LOVED it!! Everything was perfect and delish!! Thank you so much for making a sugar free mousse for me!! LY
