About Me

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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


...is how I feel.  I tried the whole "up-and-at-'em" yesterday when I had to take Lauren to the orthodontist.  But I didn't have it in me and I ended up laying down and napping.  I tried again today by getting up, moving around, and going to church, then out to lunch with my peeps.  My body was having nothing of it.  By the time I got to Target to pick up some things for the week, I was about to drop.  I'm not real certain about how this week will pan out.  Here's what it looks like from my angle...currently...

Tabula Rasa.


  1. Good thing you have such an awesome team! You're in good hands.

  2. God took care of your agenda for you!! and gave you more time to heal...
    you gotta love 'em
