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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I bet you don't know many people who leave clean dishes in their dishwasher for a week.  I would also wager that you don't know many people who let their dirty dishes pile up for that very same week.  Enter me.  The very reason I want to kick my own butt--I know how disgusting that is.  In my defense, I'm usually, very consistently, constantly, always on the go.  This makes my down time...rare and precious.  Who wants to spend that time cleaning?  Not ME.  But today, I thought, "I can knock this out in 15 minutes tops....ready?  set...GO." 

As I was shoving the last coffee mug into the cabinet...
((as you can see there really is no room in there; and yes, I keep my coffee in the cabinet; and yes, I know it "keeps" better in the freezer--but if you know how fast I go thru coffee then you realize it really doesn't matter where I keep my coffee...))

...this little guy...
...well, he didn't quite fit...
...and as I was trying to quickly shut the cabinet door, he came tumbling out and broke on my head.  Yes.  I said my head.  The mug hit me on the head and broke--chipped AND cracked.  Now when I tell you I'm hard-headed, you'll believe me.


  1. Bahahahaha!!! You CRACK me UP! First of all - cute collection of coffee cups. Secondly, you are a FABULOUS writer. Absolutely carried this reader along the way with every character space. Finally - hard-HEADedness is MUCH better than hard- HEARTedness. Yes, I'm inventing words. Cute little "Chip" cup. (Please notice my allusion to a certain Disney movie.)Love.

  2. Love this. Your hard head serves you well. Most of the time. Not when it breaks cute little cups though. I am glad you weren't looking up at the time... a matching tooth wouldn't be nearly as adorable!!!
