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This, friends, is my attempt at a photo-a-day blog. Here is my life, in a series of pictures, a few comments, and some blog entries. I began this journey on January 1, 2010. And here, it continues...

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

#100/365--Brussels Sprouts, or #7 on My List of 40 Things

No, I've never tried these. My kids are asking, "why is that on your list...?" Frankly, I have no clue why...maybe I was searching for things that would be easy...or maybe I thought it would be helpful in my quest to be healthier...whatever the reason, this is our veggie-side for dinner tonight.

I sautéed them in salt and butter. The result...


Not bad...not my favorite veggie ever...but not horrible...
Lauren says she doesn't mind them, they taste like Chinese food. Mikey just crinkled his nose. But hey--they tried them with me. Here's to healthy yuckiness!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Yay you!! Next time you can buy them on the stalk (is that what it's called?) and add some intrigue. ;)
    So proud of you all - growing up right in front of my eyes!

  2. wow - I'm proud of the kids tasting them with you...

    they do say that if it tastes really good - it's probably bad for and you vise versa...

    Here's to healthy eating! ;)
